Uhh Here, Have Some Things? - Remix Culture
Remix Culture, or Read-Write Culture, is a term that describes a society that encourages the altering, customization, or combination of products by consumers to create a new product. It gives consumers more voice and agency over products. I like Remix Culture quite a bit more than the alternative, Read Only culture, because it encourages sharing and social collaboration, as opposed to solely competition. I created 10 mashup objects to demonstrate. I do not own any of the original models, and I will link to where I found them on Thingiverse. Couch Potato When thinking of mashups, visual puns are the fist thing that come to my mind. I chose the specific potato model for it’s slightly oblong shape which fits the couch, which I selected for its aesthetics. I think the overall effect this mashup creates is a playful one, and it shows that fun and humour are important parts of our lives. links: couch , potato Laptop Mimic Another thing that comes to mind when I think of mash...