3D Printing Partner Project

A few weeks ago, we made 3D models in preparation for this partner project.

Here are the models I created, as well as the names I gave them based on visuals.



X Spring Thing


Soft Serve


Last week, we were assigned our partners. I met my partner, Eva, and we got to work.

She hadn't modelled anything for the prep work. In class, I helped by whipping up models in Rhino based on sketches she created in class.

Pouch Pot

Seashell Vase



On the weekend, she modelled two more objects, bringing her total up to six.

Twisty Stakes

Next, we picked the ones we thought best fit the criteria for printing. Based on function (decorative object), aesthetics, whether the model was self supporting, and the 3D printability, we picked three of my models and three of Eva's. Our selection was: Fabric-y, DNA-ish, and X Spring Thing, as well as Tentacles, Seashell Vase, and Twisty Stakes.

We brainstormed and sketched ideas, and met up on Monday to converse. 

We decided to go with a mashup of Fabricy and Tentacles.

That afternoon, I combined the models, getting input from Eva. At one point, when I was almost done, Rhino crashed on my mac, and I realized I had not hit save even once. Thank everything for autosave though. Instead of loosing an hour and a half of work, I only lost probably 5 minutes.

In the end, our combined model turned out well.

When checking it over in PrusaSlicer, I noticed some spots where the model would fail, and I fixed those in MeshMixer.

I’ll see you next time

    - Pete 


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