Milestone Projects

Throughout this semester, I've done a number of cool projects. The first was a response to the documentary Objectified. I designed a new device to replace spoons, called the Noops. The second major project was Mesh Mashup, where I took meshes for objects from Thingiverse and combined them into new forms. After making a bunch of ideas, I chose one to develop further. Here are my favourites. After that was the Papercraft project. I made a paper model of my electric guitar. I'm still incredibly proud of how it came out. Finally, we created forms to 3d print. I don't have any images of the object (yet), but I have screenshots of the digital models. The first two photos are of the initial models that then got mashed together for the final form. Overall, I'm really glad I took this class this year. I had so much fun and am really proud of the work I produced. Thanks for reading, I hope to see you again - Pete